How to create / modify a Requisition Template


§       Select Operations Tab then Requisitioning Tab.

§       Select the Create Template Link on left navigation bar or select the Template List Link to modify an existing template.

§       For new templates, input a name for the requisition template.

§       Select your Facility if the system doesn’t default to the correct facility location.

§       Add any Reference Notes if needed.

§       Click the Create Template Button.

§       Select the type of products you want on the requisition template:

o     Add items from Inventory Locations (stocked internally)

o     Add items to be purchased (direct to vendor)

§       Click on the Security Tab to control the user access to the requisition template.

§       Select the Add User Button to grant access to new users.

§       To remove users, check off any users you want to remove from the requisition template and select the Delete Selected Button.

§       To delete the template, select the Update Tab then Kill/Cancel Requisition Template. This will permanently remove the requisition template.


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