How to fill products against a requisition


§       Select the Operations Tab then Requisitioning Tab.

§       Select the Fill Requisitions Link on left navigation bar.

§       Search for the Requisition(s) you want to process.

§       Click the New Fill Button to start the fill process.

§       Select one of the fill options:

o     Show the add items screen - This option will take the user directly to the Update Tab so the user can select which products will be filled.

o     Add all open requisition lines – This option will bring over all open requisition lines to the fill process (Line Items Tab).

o     Add all open requisition items and submit – This option will automatically fill all open quantities for all remaining items on the requisition and will submit the fill for processing.

§       Click the Create Requisition Fill Button to start the fill process.

§       Click on the Update Tab to add products to the requisition fill process.

§       Search for the products you want to fill and check the box next to each product you want filled.

§       Modify the fill quantity field if needed.

§       Select the Add Selected Button to add the products to the Fill.

§       Click the Line Items Tab to view products that will be processed.

o     Click on a product to change the fill quantity or to add any notes.

o     This is also where you can tie lot numbers, serial numbers and expiration dates to products that have the tracking feature turned on.

o     To remove a product from the fill process, check-off the product and select the Deleted Selected Button.

§       To submit the fill, click the Submit Requisition Fill Button under the Requisition Fill Tab.

§       Click the Resource Tab / Fill History Link to view any prior fills for a requisition.

§       Use the Kill/Cancel Link under the Update Tab to remove or cancel the current fill.

§       Use the Kill Remaining Quantities Button to completely close all open items on the requisition fill. (This process can not be undone)


images\pencil.gif You can also fill Requisitions by using the Auto Fill Process under the Receiving Menu.


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