If this is the first time using the Opticon Barcode Scanner with your computer, you must first install the Active X Control within your browser. If you also need to install the software onto the Opticon Scanner, click this link.
Please follow the steps below to install the Active X Control onto your computer. You only need to do this step once.
STEP 1: Install Active X Control
§ Select Operations Tab then Purchase Order Tab.
§ Select New Order Entry on left navigation bar.
§ Select a Facility and a delivery Location (You can cancel this sample order once you’re done setting up the scanner).
§ Select the Submit Button.
§ Now, select the Resource Tab.
§ Click the Setup Scanner (Opticon 9728) Link.
§ You will see a pop-up bar that will ask if you want to install a cab file. (see below)
§ Click on the pop-up bar and select “install file”.
§ Now, select the Install Button. Note: You will only be prompted to install this file once (see below).
§ Your computer is now ready to communicate with the Opticon Scanner.
Click here to see Frequently Asked Questions.